I know, the whole choice thing is pretty cliche these days. Many people are afraid to hit the proverbial road and look for a position that will allow them to feel fulfilled, or get a raise, or whatever their reason for not liking their current position. Why are they afraid? Many are just paralyzed by the fear mongering you hear on the news, through friends, or, heaven forbid, coming from their leadership. Here is a good example: "We're waiting for the other shoe to fall". I've heard this mantra coming from my leadership for THREE years. It's been said at staff meetings and at the company Christmas party! How is that going to instill confidence in your team? You get the point. Negativity will come at you from all directions, and it oftentimes feels like it is an insurmountable opponent. But guess what? You have a choice. You can stand your ground and refuse to drink the Kool-Aid (or Flavor-Aid if you are old-school) and make it known, right then and there, that you will not be going on that magic carpet ride. If you walk the talk, then you are going to be surprised at how easy it really is to find that position you have always been look for. However, you have to overcome, as Steven Pressfield says, the resistance. In fact, if you are feeling trapped, go find The War of Art and take a couple of evenings and read it. It will change your world! And remember, sometimes the hardest choice is the best choice. Don't just sit back and let someone else drive your life, you need to be in the driver's seat 100% of the time. You have a choice!
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