What is the one thing that would increase employee productivity and morale, and decrease corner office blood pressure? Well, besides a taco bar (or better yet a smoothie bar)? Incentivize your cubicle army, regardless of you industry. What would light the fire of productivity for you, the led? Say it with me, "Show me the money!" Now I'm not advocating that employees should be paid for doing the status quo. Far from it! Regardless of what industry you are in, the idea to provide a base salary plus commission (or quarterly profit sharing) is perfect. A 10/10. The only people who may not like it are the ones that are on their way out the door. Give your employees a reason to wake up early, go out and club something into submission (metaphorically that is) and drag it back to the cave. Your young buck just brought in $500 worth of extra business? Whip out the checkbook and give that person a commission check. Most bosses would say, "Why should I do that? That's part of their job!". How do you make a snowball? Add small amounts of snow together until it reaches a critical mass. Same concept here. You can't expect someone to keep motivation because you ask them to or because that is what you would do. Actions based solely upon motivation are finite. Many bosses, and some leaders, assume that all they need to do is provide a paycheck. Many will just offer the industry standard. That is a giant fail! How is that showing loyalty to your employees? At the same time, don't waltz in to a position and expect to make six figures because you think you are special. We're all in sales, so get your cubicle army involved! Everyone can take up arms in the fight against wastefulness, whether it is time or company resources. Just because a boss or leader expects it doesn't mean it will be accomplished. Incentivize, incentivize, incentivize. You'll be amazed at the results.
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